Sunday 22 November 2009

Production Schedule

This is our Production Schedule, where we specify, where we film, when when we film, what we film & who is included in the filming.

1. The first day of filming
Date: Friday 27th November
Location: Shanice's House
We will be filming the scene of the man at his home. The character will be played by Ishmail. He will have to wear black/dark clothes (Blackhoodie, black jeans, big boots) to show loneliness and no personality, it also makes him look suspicious (when wearing a hoodie).
The props we will be using on this date is,
- Big boots
- Black bag (with tools)
- Radio
- Pictures of celebrities
- A piece of black hair
- Clock

2. The second day of filming
Date: Thursday 3rd December
Time: 11.30pm-1.45pm
Location: Shanice House

We will be filming anything we have forgotten to include during our media lesson (As the teacher said we can use her lesson to film).

3. The third day of filming
Date: Tuesday 4th December
Time: 2pm-4.15pm
Location: The Brit schools Make-Up room
We will be filming the scene when the celebrity is backstage in her dressing room waiting for her body guard to come back. The celebrity is played by Meron (as she is the most suitable for the part). The singer (celebrity) in the film is very glamours /wearing sunglasses, high heals, expensive designer clothes. She acts very much like a diva (being bossy & knowing what she wants).
The props used for this scene are:
- Microphone
- Make-Up bag
- Water bottle
- Fruit Bowl
- Documents/papers

- A sign to say 'Mezza' on the dressing room door.

4. The fourth day of filming
Date: Tuesday 8th December

Time: 2pm-3.30pm
Location: The stairs at the Media editing suite & The Brit schools Make-Up Room (corridor).
During this time we will be filming the scene when Mezza comes in from outside and fans are screaming for her. He bodyguard the escortsher through the corridors, to her changing room. She then tell him to go and find out what time she is going on stage.
The prop used for this scene is:
- Fans (screaming out 'Mezza' as she comes in from backstage).

Props list

For the filming of our Thriller opening, we will need a multiple of props to help bring the theme across (Thriller) and to bring out the key elements of what we are trying to put across during the opening of the film.

The props we will need to include in our filming will be:
- Big Boots - will be worn by the man in the film
- Black bag (with tools inside) - to show that the man is coming from somewhere where he has used weapons.
- Radio - for when the news report come on, to report about the murder
- Clock - to show the time he reaches in, which then relate to the time the murder took place.
- Posters of celebrities - that he has murdered or tortured, (the will have red 'X' on them, to show they have a victim.
- A piece of black hair - of he singer (celebrity) he has just been to.
- Microphone - to show that the girl is a singer
- Make-Up bag - which will be all over the dressing table, to show shes going to do something important and to show that she like to look good.
- Water bottle - to go on the dressing table
- Fruit Bowl -to go on the dressing table
- Document papers - for when she want to find out tour dates as the man walks through the door.

Shot List

For our Thriller opening we will have specific shots we use (throughout), which are the following:

1. Close up shot - on the big boots of the murderer as the door opens.
2. Mid-shot - As he drops his bag on the floor
3. Close up - washes his hands under the tap
4. Close up - He turns on the radio (a red light comes on, to indicate the radio is on).
5. Long shot (from the back) - He walks across kitchen, to the living room (to the sofa).
6. Mid-Close up - of him sitting, with is head down (His face is not revealed, as there's a shadow) 7. Eye Level/panning shot- focus at his pictures (of his victims, he has killed in the past). He looks along the line, to the next victim.

8. (Flash back) mid-shot/high angle - The celebrity comes in through a backstage door
9. Mid-close up shot - of the man sitting in the same position, looking down
10. (Flash back) High angle/point of view - a view as if he's watching watch her and her body guard walk down the corridor
11. Mid shot - of the man sitting, he then reaches for his pocket
12. Close up of him putting his hand in his pocket
13. (Flash back) 2 shot - celebrity tells the body guard to go an get the running order for her, she then walks into her changing room.
14. Mid shot - He is now holding and looking at piece of someones hair.
15. (Flash back) Personal point of view - he walks towards her door (with her name on it), with his shadow outline on the door.
16. Over the shoulder shot - He stands up and puts the hair on the picture
17. (Flash back) Mid shot - The camera is looking through the mirror (while she looks in the mirror) the door opens (mid way).
18. Mid-close up - she turns around, with dialogue saying ' James, What took you so long? Have you confirmed our tour dates yet?'
19. Black out, and with a black surrounding, the picture drops with her face and hair on it. The title comes up.

Target Audience for our Thriller

Our thriller is based on the serial murders of young female stars, so it should generally appeal to fans of these types of celebrities, who tend to be young men and women, so this our target audience- A young audience ranging from teenagers to young adults (roughly 15- 25 year olds). However it may also appeal to older adults who are interested in this kind of plot. A suitable age rating for this thriller is 15.

It would be a mainstream film because the idea is that the celebrities in this film are international stars; even the singer we see in the opening of the thriller, who is British.

This film would be promoted on magazines, t.v channels and radio stations with a similar target audience, in order to create a buzz about the film particularly amongst the younger generation.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Thriller Opening- Our concept

For our thriller openings, I am in a group with Shanice and Ishmail. Together we planned and put together ideas of what out thriller opening could be about.

We came up with our final idea which is about a mysterious man that murders famous female Singer, Celebrities.
He reaches inside his home (we want to give the impression that he is coming in from doing something suspicious) and put down his bag, washes his hands, and tuns on the radio. When the radio is switched on, the news update is on. The reporter reports that there has been a murder of a well known singer. While the man sits alone in the dark on his sofa, flash backs occur.
The first flash back is of a celebrity with her bodyguard, walking through backstage doors (while her fans are outside, screaming for her). She then tell her bodyguard to go an get something for her. At this point the celebrity is all alone in her dressing room.
A shadow then appears in front of her door, he then enters in. The celebrity then turns and See's him and asks him 'Have you sorted out the Tour dates yet?'.
After, there is then a black out (where her picture drops on the floor, in a black surrounding). The titles then come up.

We had to present our ideas to the rest of our class mates, then receive feedback and ways of improvement. Changes we made to our idea was from having a TV News report to just hearing the news on the radio. This change was suggested because it wasn't going to be easy to make a TV studio. Presenting our idea helped improve our planning , because we received a lot of feedback/new and improved ideas to take into consideration. It also got us thinking about making our ideas possible to do practically.

Film Reviews

This is a film review for 'Se7en' from

Rarely there has been a movie with such a good dark and chilling atmosphere. I even see this movie more as an horror movie than as a thriller because of that.

"Se7en" is unique in many ways. The movies mood is already set right from the beginning on. The movie starts dark, intense, chilling and mysterious, a mood that is present throughout the entire movie. It's very depressing to watch and I mean that in a positive way of the meaning of the word. The mood is set by good camera work and lighting, or better said, the lack of it. The music from acclaimed composer Howard Shore also adds to the chilling atmosphere.

Unlike many other movies from the same genre, the movie is slow paced and takes it time to develop the characters without falling into some obvious cliche's. The two main characters played by Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt are presented as an unlikely police-couple that are different in many ways from each other but in a way that is also what makes them such a great couple. Brad Pitt for once has the opportunity to play more than just the pretty boy and he does it with success. Kevin Spacey truly plays a bone chilling character, almost just as legendary and chilling as Hannibal Lecter. I would very much like to see the two of them put in the same room, just to see who would make it out alive. Further more it was great to see R. Lee Emrey again as the police captain.

The movie is filled with some truly gross, sickening and horrifying scene's, this seriously ain't no kids stuff! The movie has some of the most sickening murders I have ever seen featured in a movie. But it aren't just only the gross scene's that are good, there are also some scene's that are made with lot's of beauty and profession such as the library scene.

Dark and chilling movie that you will never forget also thanks to the ending which I will not spoil for you. A real must see.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


Music is a very important factor of Thriller films. It is used to build tension and suspense, which ultimately every thriller aims to do. The type of music used for this effect usually has some sort of build up, whether it's getting louder or quicker, and this reflects the build up of tension in the scene. String instruments are commonly used; in different ways, sometimes long sustained notes, and/or sometimes short and jumpy notes which add to the 'thrill'.
Here's an example of how music has been effectively used in the infamous Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho' :

Production Companies

The major film production companies today are:

  • Fox Entertainment Group (owned by News Corporation)

  • Paramount Motion Pictures Group (owned by Viacom)

  • Dreamworks SKG

  • Sony Pictures Entertainment (owned by Sony)

  • MGM Holdings inc.

  • NBC Universal (owned by general electric and vivendi)

  • Time Warner (Time Warner inc.)

  • Walt Disney Motion pictures Group (The Walt Disney Company)


BRAD PITT (born December 18, 1963)
-an American actor and film producer
--began his acting career with television guest appearances, which included a role on the CBS soap opera Dallas in 1987
-In 1995, he gave critically acclaimed performances in the crime thriller 'Seven', which I analysed in class, and the science fiction film 'Twelve Monkeys' .
-Since then he has gone on to star in many successfull films and receive two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one.
-Films such as: 'Fight Club' (1999), 'Ocean's Eleven' (2001) and its sequels 'Ocean's Twelve' (2004) and 'Ocean's Thirteen' (2007); films which have achieved great success.
-Biggest commercial successes with 'Troy' (2004) and 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' (2005).

Other famous actors who have starred in Thriller films include Gwyneth Paltrow and Morgan Freeman (Seven), Tom Cruise (Collateral,Minority Report), Matt Damon(The Departed)

Late actors, Janet Leigh (Psycho) and Grace Kelly (Rear Window) have been ranked as the 1st and 2nd best thriller movie actors by


SIR ALFRED HITCHCOCK (13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980)

-One of the most prominent directors of thriller films who is known to have "helped shape the modern day thriller film genre".

-British filmmaker and producer who pioneered many techniques in the suspense and psychological thriller genres

-Successfull in the UK, before moving to Hollywood.

-In 2007 Hitchcock was ranked #1 by film critics in The Telegraph's list of 21 greatest British directors
- Examples of his work include 'North by Northwest' (1959), 'Shadow of a doubt' (1943), and 'Rear Window' (1954)

STEVEN ALLAN SPEILBERG (born December 18, 1946)

-American film director, screenwriter, and film producer (a career of over four decades)

-Many films and genres

-He won the Academy Award for Best Director for 1993's Schindler's List and 1998's Saving Private Ryan

-Three of Spielberg's films, Jaws (1975), E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), and Jurassic Park (1993), broke box office records, each becoming the highest-grossing film made at the time.

-In 2006, Premiere listed him as the most powerful and influential figure in the motion picture industry.

DAVID KEITH LYNCH (Born January 20th 1946)

- American filmmaker and visual artist

-Has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, for The Elephant Man (1980), Blue Velvet (1986), and Mulhollan Drive (2001). Has also won awards at the Cannes Film Festival and Venice Film Festival

-Lynch's films are known for "surreal, nightmarish and dreamlike images and meticulously crafted sound design"

Target Audiences

Since there are many sub-genres of Thriller the target audience can range from teenagers to 35 year olds . It varies depending on the type of Thriller it is. For example, highly acclaimed thrillers 'Silence of the Lambs' and 'No Country for Old Men' are rated R (equivalent to R18 certificate), and probably for young men. However, Thrillers which are close to horror films are likely to be targeted to teenagers, since horrors are.
Furthermore, Thrillers which are more complex on a psychological level such as legal and crime thrillers (like 'Momento' and 'Se7en'), are targeted to an older, more mature audience (though they are usually still rated PG). This is because rather than the thrill of being horrified and gory scenes of gruesome murders, which is usually what appeals to teenagers, the older audience generally prefer the thrill of unravelling answered questions and unsolved crimes.

Locations, set design, costume and props

The locations, set design, costumes and props used in film, generally play a significant part in creating the scenery, characters and atmosphere in the film. For research into these features in regards to Thriller films, I looked into the crime thriller film,'The Godfather'(1972). Like most films it is set in a variety of locations, including around New York City. Filming in big, busy cities like this is particularly common because it creates a naturalistic environment and builds tension during suspenseful situations, such as chases. They are also home to many big buildings/spaces/studios with potential for filming a variety of types of scenes/settings, and this links to set design. For example, for 'The Godfather', the closed flagship store of 'Best & Company' on Fifth Avenue, was decorated and used for the scene in which characters Pacino and Keaton are Christmas shopping. The Sicilian towns of Savoca and Forza d'Agrò outside of Taormina were also used for exterior locations. Interiors were shot at 'Filmways' Studio in New York.

'The Godfather' series of films have become modern classics, and so has the 1920s style gangster costume; A Pinstriped suit with a pocket handkerchief, shirt, tie and fedoras (hat), has become so iconic that it's even worn as fancy dress (below), along with the tommy gun. Weapons such as guns are often significant props in thrillers, since there is usually some sort of murder.
Evidently, costume and props can have a big impact on the audience and are definately an important aspect of a thriller film as they really affect how characters are portrayed.